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    If you ask people what they know about me, they would most likely say 'the runner'. I run everyday and most people within my geography have seen me on the trail. My path includes a route to several elementary, middle and high schools so I see a lot of traffic. It is great to inspire people and when asked about my dedication, I explain..."it is because I love beer and without my daily run, I would probably be the size of Texas."


    Born in New England, raised in the south, the youngest of 3 and blessed to have parents in their 80's who go to more parties than I do.

    Happily married with 4 children, 2 graduated from college, 1 in college and 1 about to start college.


    Why would I want to start a business? PURPOSE.


    We start every presentation with "Why are you here?"

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    Little Tokyo


    On a napkin, our future was written. We began with an idea we had already proven successful. We sat at a window table January 12, 2013 and put to paper what we had been 'noodling' for years. The business really began in 1995 with the first of many successful conversions. 


    Working for Fortune 500 companies and 4 Start Ups over 20 years, we know what employers want to experience when interviewing prospective candidates. The secret sauce...the majority of college students and graduates have no strategy seeking their desired career and we show them the way.


    PIVIT U is born.


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    ALL IN


    The year we went all in. My Co-Founder left his job and started his career. Take Action. Or as PIVIT says..."Let's Go if we're going."


    'If you can dream it, you can achieve it. You can have everything in life you want...if you will just help other people get what they want."


    How do you know what you want in life? My Co-Founder recently had a profound epiphany.


    We empower our candidates to not settle for a job but seek a dream career. PIVIT teaches to execute flawlessly and it changes lives. So much is determined by this "pivot" point (get it?). The epiphany...not only do we change one persons life, but the life of the spouse and children of said person. Our work with Active Military, Veterans and their families proves this on a daily basis. We are not headhunters nor recruiters, we are career co-pilots and seek to find your 'WHY' and execute to achieve it.

    Our favorite comment..."I applied online but no one has called me back."




    We have helped so many and our social media blitz is in it's INFANCY. Once we share the testimonials of those who are living their dream, we aspire to be the 'Uber' of recruiting.


    Most Career Strategies are this...

    "I have applied to so many jobs online and no one has called me back."

    Is this you? PIVIT works with you to escape this black hole.







    Apple, Google, Coke, Home Depot, Amazon, Delta, Chevron, IBM, Raytheon, Club Car, Tuck MBA, Merrill Lynch...you name it, we will help you land it.


    Employers, are you seeking an additional filter, diversity or inclusion? PIVIT U challenges you to have our candidates compete to join your organization. Better candidate, minimal investment. We have partnered with organizations devoted to marketing their candidates and showcasing their unique skills and perspectives.

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    WIT Campus




    College students

    "STEM students, you have the skills and now you need to get the job"

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    Special Operations Warrior Foundation

    Not just academics

    "Working with the children of our fallen Navy Seals, Green Berets and Army Rangers to land them a dream internship or career"

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    High Schools




    Soft skills begin early

    "High Schools are beginning to recognize the importance of 'the rest of their life', when targeting higher education"

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    Greek Organizations



    Changing the paradigm

    "Alum from large social organizations are a limitless network and we teach the Greek population how to engage them"

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    'The Un-Gala'

    "Celebrating the graduates with a rock concert...and the battle of the bands"

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    CIA Officers Memorial Foundation


    "Empowering the children of our shadow warriors to achieve their dream career and give them purpose"

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    The Warrior Alliance


    The Right Fit

    "One on One Coaching with our transitioning military to find their next mission in life"

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    Merging Vets & Players



    "Athletes and Veterans transition to the civilian way is strengthened by partnering in a physical combat experience"